Asaan Installments on Daraz! Easy Monthly Installment Plans by Standard Chartered

Standard Chartered Easy Monthly Installment

Standard Chartered Asaan Installment Plans are here to make shopping on Daraz Asaan!

Standard Chartered Bank has been offering easy monthly installments on both conventional and Islamic banking for quite a few years. However, the process has been far from easy. Activating an easy monthly installment plan used to involve quite a few steps. 

As Pakistan’s only international bank, Standard Chartered is looking to simplify this process with Asaan Installments

To make online transactions easier, SCB has partnered with Daraz to bring shoppers a quick and convenient installment solution. 

Standard Chartered Asaan Installment Procedure

Standard Chartered Easy Monthly Installment

To activate the Standard Chartered Asaan Installment Plan, simply follow these steps:

  1. Select a product with a value of over PKR 10,000
  2. Add to cart after confirming that product is from a genuine seller 
  3. Select Easy Monthly Installment Plan at checkout 
  4. Pay Now using your Standard Chartered Credit Card

Asaan Installment Plan – Terms & Conditions

There are three Asaan Installment Plans to choose from, depending on the tenure. For the three-month tenure, there are 0% processing fees and markup, which means you only pay the product price by the end of the period. 

However, longer tenures bring more processing fees. These are essentially markups that have been presented as fees. Due to this, you end up paying more when opting for both six and 12-month tenures.  

If we take the example of a Samsung A71 which costs PKR 67,599. For a three-month installment plan this phone will cost the same at the end of the tenure. For the six-month plan, the final cost will be PKR 71,316 and for the 12-month plan it will end up costing PKR 75,372. 

Tenure Markup Fees
3 Months 0% 0%
6 Months 0% 5.5%
12 Months 0% 11.5%

If opting for a three-month tenure, SCB offers the best price possible. However, for longer tenures, other banks like MCB and UBL offer a better price. Check out our in-depth article comparing all five banks partnering with Daraz for Easy Monthly Installments. 

Essentially, the decision to opt for an Easy Monthly Installment plan depends on the type of product being purchased and access to bank credit. 

In certain scenarios, you may find a better price paying upfront. To explore available deals and discounts on electronic retailers, visit Peekaboo Guru. Find bank offers and card discounts for Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad

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