Fishing For Food – The Best Fish Restaurant in Karachi

Karachi Grilled Fish

The coastal area of Karachi has a lot to offer in terms of fish. Today, we’ll see which is the best fish restaurant in Karachi among the many that claim to be.  

The Arabian Sea has worked wonders for the city of Karachi. Apart from the huge influx of business, the seafood available has been a luxury for the people of Karachi, and by extension, the rest of Pakistan.

All sorts of saltwater fish, prawns, shrimps, crabs, and even lobsters are caught and enjoyed by karachiites.

However, the one food item that stands out, you guessed it, is fish.

We have a variety of fish, or machli as it is called in Urdu, including Pomfret, Surmai, Heera, Mushka, and many others.

Grilled, fried, barbecued, baked, cooked in a curry, and even served raw – I think we all can agree that fish is delicious regardless of the method of cooking.

Let’s see which fish restaurant in Karachi is cooking up the best version of the popular seafood.  

1) Rashid Seafood

rashid seafood fish restaurant in karachi

Source: Rashid Seafood Facebook Page

Rashid Seafood is a popular restaurant serving some of the best seafood near the coast in the Keamari area of Karachi.

They are preparing the following types of fish:

  • Black Pomfret
  • Snapper
  • Mushka
  • Dandiya
  • Ramas

Rashid is offering fish that is grilled, fried, or cooked as a Karahi.

Also, they have prawns and lobsters on the menu as well.

2) Mamu Fish Grill

mamu fish grill

Source: Mamu Fish Grill Facebook Page

Mamu Fish Grill is grilling up some of the tastiest fish in Karachi on Tariq Road.

Mamu is famous for its unique taste, which the owner credits to coconut milk and olive oil in the marinade.

The types of fish served here are:

  • Surmai
  • Pomfret
  • Snapper
  • Salmon
  • Mushka
  • Dhotar
  • Pangash

The Pangash and Surmai fish are a boneless delicacy for all those who don’t like little bones in their fish.

Mamu Fish is also serving some prawns and crabs. So if you’re the adventurous type, do check them out.

3) Akram Fish Point

akram fish point

Source: Akram Fish Point Facebook Page

Akram Fish Point has been preparing fish in Gulshan-e-Iqbal for some time now.

They are specialists in grilled and fried fish, with the following types of fish available at their restaurant:

  • Surmai
  • Pomfret
  • Heera
  • Mushka
  • Dohtar
  • Gheesar
  • Dandiya

Moreover, they cook prawns, which can be savored grilled or fried.

Also, the restaurant doesn’t have the best seating area, so be prepared for a street-style outing.

4) Culture Fish

Culture fish

Source: Culture Fish Facebook Page

Culture fish is a local fish restaurant serving grilled and fried fish on Hassan Square’s popular food street.

They have the following types of fish available at the moment:

  • Dhotar
  • Rahu
  • Dandiya
  • Mushka
  • Pomfret

Culture also serves Lahori fish biscuits, which are biscuit-shaped fried pieces of Lahori fish.

The fish served is of high quality, but the seating area is problematic as they don’t have a proper restaurant setup.

5) Yaadgar Fish

yaadgar fish

Source: Yaadgar Fish Facebook Page

Yaadgar Fish has been around for a long time and is considered the best fish restaurant in Karachi.

Some might even say their experience at Yaadgar has been *coughs* memorable (insert laughing emoji).

The Yaadgar Fish menu has the following fish available at their restaurant:

  • Pomfret
  • Surmai
  • Mushka
  • Dandiya
  • Heera
  • Ramas
  • Dhotar

They are famous for their fried fish; however, they also have fish karahis, barbecued fish, fish curries, and even kata kat fish.

They are located at Jamshed Road and have a proper seating arrangement for families.

The Best Fish Restaurant in Karachi

Karachi has a bustling food scene with a variety of cuisines from all over the world.

Fish is another dish that adds more life to this food scene, along with the fish restaurants that prepare them to lip-smacking perfection.

But, to say one rules them all might be an exaggeration, given the diverse taste buds of Karachiites.

Therefore, we leave it up to you, the people, to crown the king of fish restaurants in Karachi.

Which is your favorite fish place in Karachi? Let us know in the comments below. Or, if you want to know more about Karachi’s delicacies, read this article on the best soup in Karachi.

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